My Connection to Mother Qwanyin and all other Budhas
Oum Mani Padme Hum, Namyoho Renge kyo !
Today attended online session with Dear Narmada reconnecting to Mother Qwanyin, Shakya Muni Budha , Padmasambhava and all other Budhas . I was down the memory lane ,how I was guided to connect to these beings without any cultural background and knowledge about these Beings ,proving beyond doubt that these Beings are pure unconditional love and non denominational .
I had learnt and practiced Reiki 2nd degree and Course in Acupressure in 1999 , without much knowledge in this field of Spiritual healing . In Reiki I had prayed that I should stay in the company of spiritual people. This was rewarded that we went on to stay for two years in Dharamshala HP, where His Highness Dalai Lama Resides. I visited Dharamshala Monastery many times but did not have much affinity for Him or Buddha so far . One day I heard this Mantra Chant in one music store “ Oum Mani Padme Hum “. I was immediately drawn to it . I purchased this CD without knowing any meaning of the words . I felt in awe of it and would listen to it for hours and go in to trance. The energy of this Mantra was unknowingly preparing me ,clearing all my past Karma and leading me to step up in the path of evolutionary ladder .
After about a year I decided to make healing my profession. Since I was already Reiki Channel ,so I did further courses in Reiki as and when I felt I am ready for another degree and also many other courses along with becoming Reiki Grand Master in 2004-05.
The day my Reiki Guru Dr NK Sharma was initiating me as Reiki Master , he had this Mantra playing in the back Ground “ Oum Mani Padme Hum “ . I had uncontrollable tears flooding down my face that I felt unable to express my feelings.
After wards while practicing Reiki on myself healing, I would have some story enfolding in my minds screen but wouldn’t remember anything after coming out from it. I knew that very deep healing was happening .
Got Initiated in to Magnified Healing
In the meantime, I also became Magnified Master Teacher. I practiced it sincerely for first few days and then as and when I felt guided to . In this course I came to know that Chinese Goddess Qwanyin who lived in human form two hundred years ago ,is the originator of this healing modality .
In my self healing practice and healing some others distantly, I could literally see opening of my inner senses. I had few visions, I could feel and sense things, places or condition of my client . This was my own experiences in knowing clair voyance , clair audience and telepathy. I heard some of my guides voices, answering or guiding me . I have compiled all these experiences in my first book book “ Mystic Life revealed, Science verifies spirituality”.
Nam yoho Renge Kyo – My Client gave this Mantra to me .
I had devoted myself to the healing path . I was giving advertisements regarding it in the newspaper . One day a gentleman from very far end of the city expressed his desire to be healed. I was too happy to have him come and experience my healing. In the mean time we got talking more on spiritual aspects and he told to me , how in his difficult life circumstances ,he got one Mantra and It had helped him to come out from the mess his life was in. . He said, “ you seem very noble and spiritual person , I wish to give to you this Mantra .” Namyoho Renge Kyo “. You have to chant this mantra sitting in a place, with eyes open. I followed his instruction and chanted this Mantra for almost six months. I also spread this Mantra along with of my family, students and my few relatives who were going through some difficult times .
Thus there are no coincidences. its the time when our soul coincides and makes us aware about the things, situation or person that all are part of the play of Life !
Oum Mani Padme Hum, Namyoho Renge kyo !
Today attended online session with Dear Narmada reconnecting to Mother Qwanyin, Shakya Muni Budha , Padmasambhava and all other Budhas . I was down the memory lane ,how I was guided to connect to these beings without any cultural background and knowledge about these Beings ,proving beyond doubt that these Beings are pure unconditional love and non denominational .
I had learnt and practiced Reiki 2nd degree and Course in Acupressure in 1999 , without much knowledge in this field of Spiritual healing . In Reiki I had prayed that I should stay in the company of spiritual people. This was rewarded that we went on to stay for two years in Dharamshala HP, where His Highness Dalai Lama Resides. I visited Dharamshala Monastery many times but did not have much affinity for Him or Buddha so far . One day I heard this Mantra Chant in one music store “ Oum Mani Padme Hum “. I was immediately drawn to it . I purchased this CD without knowing any meaning of the words . I felt in awe of it and would listen to it for hours and go in to trance. The energy of this Mantra was unknowingly preparing me ,clearing all my past Karma and leading me to step up in the path of evolutionary ladder .
After about a year I decided to make healing my profession. Since I was already Reiki Channel ,so I did further courses in Reiki as and when I felt I am ready for another degree and also many other courses along with becoming Reiki Grand Master in 2004-05.
The day my Reiki Guru Dr NK Sharma was initiating me as Reiki Master , he had this Mantra playing in the back Ground “ Oum Mani Padme Hum “ . I had uncontrollable tears flooding down my face that I felt unable to express my feelings.
After wards while practicing Reiki on myself healing, I would have some story enfolding in my minds screen but wouldn’t remember anything after coming out from it. I knew that very deep healing was happening .
Got Initiated in to Magnified Healing
In the meantime, I also became Magnified Master Teacher. I practiced it sincerely for first few days and then as and when I felt guided to . In this course I came to know that Chinese Goddess Qwanyin who lived in human form two hundred years ago ,is the originator of this healing modality .
In my self healing practice and healing some others distantly, I could literally see opening of my inner senses. I had few visions, I could feel and sense things, places or condition of my client . This was my own experiences in knowing clair voyance , clair audience and telepathy. I heard some of my guides voices, answering or guiding me . I have compiled all these experiences in my first book book “ Mystic Life revealed, Science verifies spirituality”.
Nam yoho Renge Kyo – My Client gave this Mantra to me .
I had devoted myself to the healing path . I was giving advertisements regarding it in the newspaper . One day a gentleman from very far end of the city expressed his desire to be healed. I was too happy to have him come and experience my healing. In the mean time we got talking more on spiritual aspects and he told to me , how in his difficult life circumstances ,he got one Mantra and It had helped him to come out from the mess his life was in. . He said, “ you seem very noble and spiritual person , I wish to give to you this Mantra .” Namyoho Renge Kyo “. You have to chant this mantra sitting in a place, with eyes open. I followed his instruction and chanted this Mantra for almost six months. I also spread this Mantra along with of my family, students and my few relatives who were going through some difficult times .
Thus there are no coincidences. its the time when our soul coincides and makes us aware about the things, situation or person that all are part of the play of Life !
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