Monday, April 15, 2013

                                                               Life is a fine Balance
Human body is multi levels, multifaceted , multidimensional being . Physical, Emotional, Mental, Astral, Ethereal, Causal and Spiritual . Life is all about balance in all spheres.  We  can not nourish our soul and feel blissful if we neglect one aspect of life. Growth and Evolution is all about balancing all aspects of life.

 We can easily understand our physical life as its visible aspect of our being .Take an example of food, which is the basis of our physical body . It is not enough to  keep  producing / purchasing food . It has to be preserved, prepared and consumed in right measure and right time required by the body. Same way its not enough to simply be concerned with food but also cater for our clothes . Here again simply buying best  of clothes  will not make  us presentable if we do not prepare,  preserve properly and wear the right clothes for the right occasion. Money is very important as all these things are procured with money but  If we keep our selves busy only earning money but do not socialize, sleep ,rest and eat sufficiently and  spend our earning judiciously  on self and on those dependent on us, we simply  end up becoming  money making machine .It is fine to spend maximum time and energy on one aspect of life which is our main focus /occupation at the moment . Like if one is a dress dealer ,he is mostly occupied with the ways and means of making more and more dresses . A farmer be  will concerned with producing more and more crop ,  an owner of food store ,he will be busy buying , preserving and selling food i ,  a banker is mostly concerned with keeping  count of money. Still maintaining balance is the key to feel satisfied and successful.
Same understanding should be interpreted to spirituality. Thus in spiritual practice also we have to nourish our all aspects equally.

Physical body is aligned by Yogasanas and Exercises.
 Emotional energy  is anchored by bhavas( Intensions ) .
Mental power  is activated by Mantras and sounds .
Astral level is integrated  by  kriyas  .
 Ethereal aspect is balanced  by prananayamas .
 Causal dimension  is by centered by Meditation and Mudras  .
Spiritual sphere is supported   and transcended itself when all these levels are cared for .
                           Why do we go out of balance?
Our mind lives in duality, its half mechanical and half conscious rather half Ego and half God . Ego mind is not to be criticized but to be acknowledged as a part of the other half God consciousness. It is there for a  purpose .
Just like a child go  school ,we are also enrolled in this earthly school of life. Purpose of going to school is to understand the subjects and grow up  to be a good  human being ,a conscientious citizen. He  is not there to be  punished  by teachers or to fail in the subject or to be bullied by his pears .He may have  any of these negative experiences –
1-    His capabilities are not yet developed  to understand the subject .
2-    He is ignorant and doesn’t care  to learn the subject .
3-He is distracted by his pears from paying attention to the subject.
Thus he detests going to school, starts resenting subject, criticize teacher, fail to understand and master the subject. He forms negative opinion and attitude about school ,subject and teachers.
Same thing happens with human beings enrolled in this earthly school of life. Our  opinions and attitudes are based on previous experiences which in turn shapes up the  journey of life .If one fears the subject and doesn’t like the teacher, life looks a punishment . 

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