Saturday, July 28, 2012

My Pilgrim to Leh and Holy Amarnath

A Pilgrim is a wanderer with a purpose
.I am on a voyage , this earth is my pilgrimage..Trying to find out from the sign posts ,what is the meaning of theses symbols .I was contemplating the similarities between our technological progress in terms of fly overs, underpasses ,elevators and so many air lines . How it relates to our spiritual journey? Spiritually also we have evolved that far where we don't have to get stuck in lanes and crowded streets , we can fly past through (flyovers /underpasses) by healing our previous life's imprints . We don't have to walk on foot  and take long time to reach our destination..we can take by air journey. We don/t have to exert ourself by climbing up the evolutionary stairs ,instead we can take the (meditation )elevator . Science and spirituality are two sides of the same coin called Life. 

My pilgrimage in 2008 09 Leh and Amarnath ...

This time while traveling ,I was contemplating the similarities between Busy traffic on the road and our Life's inner Journey..(which creates a blue print for the outer circumstances) Its not merely being expert in driving ( Following a spiritual system ) or having a best car( healthy body ) or being familiar with the roads .( daily practice )..Its all about being cautious, protecting your vehicle from the chaotic traffic where other's vehicle may not be in good condition and break fails or he may be tired or not expert in driving and knowing the traffic rules..We are traveling the same road..some times smooth and most time bumpy and turbulent . so we have to be empathetic to co travelers ( forgive ) , try to repair the road, (healing )as well as maintain our own pace( Ascension) to reach our own destination .

Kangra Bride...

"I am on the way to my bridgrooms home . ....(Chali mei to pee se milan ko chali.).
Since the time I bought this painting,in 2001 at HP KANGRA . It is giving me this message..I have to prepare and maintain myself for this DIVINE Union ( Marriage).

Our body is given many metaphors..It is the bride waiting to go Home to her Bridegroom (God) . Our other Subtle/Energy bodies are compared with our clothings.(Spiritual)  Inner most wear has to be very soft, simple ,clean and comfortable (.Emotional ) Next layer clothings should be suiting our body shape,structure and of pleasing colors and texture .9 Mental)The outer most layer should be rough and tough, able to bear the brunt of environmental dirt , harsh temperature, and also protect inner layers of clothes...

Yogis and seekers have sang in glory of these Energy bodies as Chunri, Man Ki Chadar..( which they are trying to protect ( from daag means stain (maily means dirt)...

As we need to clean our clothes as per the their texture, the type of dirt accumulated on it and the closeness of it to our body , same way we have to care for our bridal dress( Energy bodies) .
Different techniques are the tools to trace and tackle and treat the trouble . we can not wash the colored clothes ( emotions) with hard detergent . we can not get rid of the grease and mud on the overcoat ( Mental body) with simple water wash. we may have a bit rigorous method for it.. .the inner most layer ( spiritual body) may just need a rinse every day as its so soft and protected from outside by other layers..Etheric body / fitting suit may need a daily dusting and most of the time we are in this suit as this most visible part of the dress...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

2.My Baal Gopal ( Krishna ) Comes Home ( Interior Decorator of my body )

Understanding my spiritual inclination and answer to my quest from my Higher Self.
(Krishna my Guardian Angel) .
This Baal Gopal ( Baby Krishna) came in my life in 1999 at Mathura..From Janam Bhumi Temple ,The birth place of Lord Krishna. This hold significance for the revival of Bhakti Yoga in me . In fact my seeking in true sense started that time. Now I started getting satisfactory answers ..I got initiated in to Reiki ,and started regular Reiki practice on self and to heal my life situations . I was never much result oriented and had been detached with the outcome (Bhagvat Geeta's Teachings had unconscious impact on me)though I did try to heal many situations which I felt guided to heal .When I look back now after so many years ,there have been dramatic shift ,from how things were going and would have gone to how things are now..

I was also comprehending the meaning of Rituals that all the rituals are the Actions done repeatedly so that the mind will understand its significance and affect our psyche internally. Through Devotion and Surrender !
Though the world is deluded ,the scholars have puffed up pride of the scholarly tradition and rejoice recitations of scriptures and holy books. Seekers are practicing pilgrimage, fasting ,charity ,bathing in holy rivers . Getting caught with the rituals and external observance . 

I am initiated in to Universal Life Force lineage and know that I have to realize the existence of the universe within me...There was never a conflict in my mind on shifting the focus from rituals to internalizing the universal powers within ..
I am always reminded of the incident where Krishna had opened His mouth and shown the Universe to His mother , when she was rep reminding Him for swallowing a pack of mud (most toddlers are fond of eating mud /chalk) .She was overwhelmed, frightened and asked Him to release this scene from her memory...So most of the humanity have asked to be oblivion of this fact that Universe dwells within and outside is the reflection of what is within us....but we have to grow up and start schooling in the universal university and finding our place in the universal plan of things...

 My Guardian Angels were helping me to start becoming Interior Decorator of My Body...The Abode of My Soul.  And this article was dictated to me in 2006 .

Interior Decorator of My Body : 
Interior decorator of my body the abode of my soul, this is what I call my self. I have only changed the name, the intention and purpose are same as any one treading on the inward path, ‘the knowledge and experiences about Self’’ ‘the spiritualist’. Some call them sadhu, Rishi, guru, pundit or devotee. What’s there in a name? Cook, tailor, barber are old names. They didn’t do their work out of choice but because there was no other way than to adopt their ancestors’ profession. Now a days, people opt for these professions with new names like fashion designer, beauty expert, chef et all. As is the saying, love your work, life is a joy, consider work as duty, you are a slave. These new professionals not only earn money, name and fame but also enjoy their work. Same is with the new age spiritualist. He does not follow traditional rituals of a particular religion. ,he is evolved head of all these and is guided , compelled by his inner self to look within , to search for answers of life and death, to know his origin, find true happiness and search for eternal truth, The God Head .
Physically beautician, dietician fashion designer is beautifying us, but each day we grow old and loose our beauty. External beauty is not permanent and is receding every day. If we become Interior decorator of self, the spiritual ones, we can beautify our body ‘mind and soul’ in increasing order. Inner experiences lead us towards permanent destination, and we can claim our status of pure conscious and become ‘The Enlightened ’
Why to become interior decorator of self. ?
Knowledge about worldly things makes us intelligent and smart but knowledge about self makes us self realized and enlightened. There are so many artifacts in the market ,so much beauty around, we can enjoy any of these only when we visit any of these personally for that moment ,but it doesn’t give us permanent joy. We are lingered with a desire to have it in our house, to possess it forever. But we may not have the knowledge and capacity to acquire it permanently. Interior decorator knows where to buy, where to fit particular artifacts to enhance the beauty of the house and of the artifacts both.
Same way when we become interior decorator of self, we know the true happiness will only emanate when we have the knowledge and means to search and decorate precious jewels hidden in our store house ‘body’. And then our way of doing any thing becomes the fashion statement, style of the time. Yoga dhyana, Sadhna, reiki are the means to make us aware of our own treasures and our own potentials to find them and place them beautifully in our own body so that we are happy ,healthy, peaceful, prosperous and progressive.
By becoming spiritual one doesn’t have to depend on others like, astrologer, vastu, fengshui expert to carry on life smoothly. All such knowledge comes naturally to us on its own. By meditating we learn to be guided, by Sadhna or practicing reiki we know to scrub the rust, clean the dirt, free our body of dust.. Our house and our treasure! we become innovative like interior decorator, wash, dust, polish, exchange worn out antiques, create or buy new ones and place them economically and aesthetically .
No knowledge is new, only the names keep changing with time and place.
Terminologies like energy, vibration, imbalance, healing, etc are all old stuff in new bottles. There is only one energy at the origin in the universe and that is love ‘God’, which gets divided into negative or positive once it descends in to physical world. Positive is godly energy in the form of health, happiness, love ,sharing . and negative is demonic like hatred, illness, anger, lust etc.
Both physical and metaphysical world are two sides of the same coin called life, which means manifestation of cosmic energy in physical form. If we can be guided in some new scientific invention or literary idea , this is the out come of contemplation and concentration of our energy in that direction . Same way we can be intuitive, imaginative, visualizing and experiencing wonders of mystic world, through our inward contemplation and meditation.
So nothing is new. The vibration of ancient mystic knowledge is in the universe in resting phase. Same way as the man remains in the spiritual world until he manifests himself again in physical form. So the abundant knowledge spread across the universe wants to be attracted and manifested in material as well as spiritual form. Any body is entitled to take his choicest pick